Intro to Personal Storytelling with Terry Wolfisch Cole

Intro to Personal Storytelling with Terry Wolfisch Cole

Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Sea Tea Improv Studios
11 Asylum St, Suite 402, Hartford, CT

Want to get better at captivating listeners? Do you know *how* to tell your story? Learn everything you need to know to engage any audience.


with Terry Wolfisch Cole

Ira Glass of This American Life says, “Great stories happen to people who know how to tell them.”

Do you want to get better at captivating listeners? Whether you want to tell your story on stage, in a business meeting or college interview, or at the family table, professional storyteller Terry Wolfisch Cole of Tell Me Another will teach you everything you need to know to engage any audience.

The session will include an opportunity to hear Terry tell a story as well as tips and tricks for effective storytelling and an opportunity to practice what you’ve learned.

Author: Sea Tea Improv Studios
Published: 2022-12-20T17:26:40Z
Updated: 2023-09-03T07:54:00Z

Hartford, CT Improv Comedy